Saturday, June 14, 2008

Um, yeah...

So it's official, I'm an SFUSD High School graduate! =)

Thursday, June 12th
Graduation day, that shit was hella hectic. I thought all seniors were to report at the venue at 8:30 (commencement exercises started at 9AM) but I found out that we were supposed to be there at 8AM, it was 8:10 so yeah I had to get my dad to rush my ass over there.. it was like a 20min. drive, had to run a few red lights and once I jumped out the car, I straight booked to the auditorium! haha. But yeah, the whole thing was pretty chill, not too long so theres nothing to complain about. After my graduation, we headed over to elephant bar with the fam. to go eat lunch, krizzia came with sis christina and surprised me! After lunch, me and krish had to rush over to kim's graduation. After kim's graduation, we ate at moonstar (kim, krish, sarina and I.) Godsisters picked me up from moonstar then we picked up brother jase, had a session, yeee! and ate at new yorker's chicken wings, bomb! After all that, I got dropped off at aj's house then we (krish, aj, kim, rome, christina, jeff and I) went to San Jo. and chilled there for a minute then I went home. LONG DAY but it was fun.

Friday, June 13th
I just realized yesterday was Friday, the 13th haha. Anyways, adventure day with B. Met her up at her grandma's house around noon then we headed to the BART station to go to tanforan, when we got there we ate fatt dog and monster, brit shopped, I was tempted but I didn't cause I wanted to save my money. Went to millbrae, got jamba and then chilled at the park and yeah just chilled, then we went back to tanforan to meet up with crys, kaycee and nik. chilled at kaycee's job for a while. Bought new gauges, forced that shit in lol. around 7, will, jenna, nik, crystal, brit and I went to BJ's to go eat. went back to kaycee's work, then left. I got dropped off at krish's and yeah boring night, didn't get to see any races =( hah. next time, though. I'll find my potentials there too!

Um, yeah.. it's Saturday today, I guess i'ma head over to neezy's bbq later and other than that I guess i'ma chill, not really tryna go out this weekend cause I know i'ma spend all my money.

On another note, since it's officially summer. I NEED A JOB! i'ma try and go job hunting today cause I really need to start making my money.

Until next time, PEACE!