Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Wow, okay I haven't blogged in a minuuuuute.

So it's wednesday night, 10:54pm and i'm hella bored! My sister is on my desktop and I'm laying in my bed, blogging via iPhone haha.

The past couple weeks have been good. Last week, we had two performances: SJSU small little competition, it seriously wasn't a serious percormance, we all had fun though and got 2nd place..$200 prize cash. The other performance was in stockton, a benefit performance hosted by this fraternity at University of the Pacific. We saw a lot of familiar faces from breakthrough (thatONEcompany, Rhythm Inc, OnPoint, etc.) It was a really fun performance and people really seemed to enjoy it. After the performance, Valen, B, Brendon, Drew and I went to elk grove to party it up with TOC and Rhythm INC making it a "thatONErhythmLEAGUE" night. All the drinks were fucking LiGHTS! If ya'll know me, Eeej don't fuck with lights hahah after my third shot, i went outside and yacked hahah came back inside after a while i took 2 more shots but ended up chillin in the car for the rest of the night cause i hella wasn't feeling good. Everyone was having a good time and TOC knows how to party! I wish i had been my usual self though cause I woulda had more fun. When everyone was done drinking, Margela of TOC offered to let us sleep over at her crib because she didnt want us driving home so late so we took her offer. Shout to Gela for the hospitality! In the morning she cooked all of us (about 15 heads) breakfast.. Longanisa, eggs, rice, sausage, shit was bomb! After that we ended up going home, I knocked out for hella hours and I was so tired I turned down wingstop! Whaaaat? Yeah I was THAT tired lmao. But yeah that was a pretty good weekend for me.

Oh yeah, Thursday night drink buddies shout out: Kyle and Kelli from oddacities--every thursday night, wassssup! Eventhough ya'll hella
switched us up from jager to captain morgan. I swear I havent blogged in so long that I dont even remember what the hell is going on in my life anymore!

On the 24th was AJ's 20th birthday, long ass day! Metup with krizzia and kim so we could make aj's shirts from him and the a-dub, which took foreverrr we had to stall dinner forover an hour because the shirts as well as the cake but in the end, it was hella worth it. After dinner we went to jay's crib to plan the telly and me and kris made everyone watch mari and keone's set hahaha! Headed to embassy suites drank smoke had hella fun there was plenty of alcohol left over the next morning eventhough everyone was pretty drunk the night before. Embassy suites breakfast is so bomb

I think everything I just blogged is hella in the wrong order hahaha IDk wtf's wrong with me nowadays cause i've been hella slow anywas fast forward to this week:

Monday-visited gel's new crib at westlake then practice and yeah thats pretty much about it

Yesterday- school, met up kris, helped him teach a simple little piece for the kids at commodore sloat, was fun gotta love those kids especially if they wanna dance! =) after we chilled at J's crib, little jager, in n out thanks to yvez and then called it a night

Today- just school and chill at the house

And yeah ima cut it here cause my hands are tired. Yeah, I really typed all this shit on my phone! Hopefully I start blogging regularly again.

BTW, it's almost my booch's 19th birthday! Happy early birthday JessicaLavariasM'Fuckin'Roasrio!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boys And Girls With Short Hair

This composition is nothing short of amazing. I can't stop watching it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

In the past two weeks

I went to LA, came back, never uploaded the pictures off my D60, lost my D60, broke my glasses, got really sick, lost 3 lbs, gained 4 back, got better, had starbucks. YUP that's all i gotta say.