Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It's mine now. I'm happy. =)

Friday, February 20, 2009

40 years!

So, tomorrow my parents are renewing their vows after 40 years of marriage and they're having their ceremony at St. Patrick's and reception at Embassy Suites in Burlingame. I swear this wedding turned everyone psycho! We have all been stressin' all week tryna complete everything and I don't know, my dad's attitude has been worse, so has mine. My temper has been worse than ever, forreal. Just now me and my dad got into it, I wanna beat his ass sometimes haha. He really thinks I won't talk back to him like wtf, i got my attitude from YOU!

Ugh this has by far been the worst week for me. I know most of you are like what? you.. mad? [haha, I'm saying it like hella people read this shit!] Yeah, I have real anger problems, I just choose not to let it get the best of me when I'm in public. Like at practice last night, I was so irritated and it wasn't even just because of the practice.. it's cause the WEDDING, the KIDS, everything. I'm not saying I'm like at the end of the rope. Hell, I ain't even close, it takes a LOT to take me down but when i'm irritated, I'm fucking IRRITATED. haha okay enough ranting and bitching.. I hope everything will go back to normal next week and I hope that I'll actually be able to chill with my friends cause I haven't been able to chill with ANYBODY this whole week, it sucks. Hella kawawa status.

Ugh Whatever, Bye.
LOL i swear, can you say Bi-Polar?

P.S. I don't give a FUCK if i have any spelling/grammatical errors in this shit, that's the point of a BLOG.. it's your feelings in the RAW.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's not something, It's Everything.




Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kuya!

Today is my brothers 22nd birthday.

I wish we could go back to when we were kids watching Nickelodeon every saturday morning and him making fun of me when the 'Thriller' music video came up and I would hide behind the couch cause I was scared! HAHA!

Eventhough we used to fight alot, I love my brother.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fatty Fatty 4x4

I swear, I've been hella heffalump status lately!

I had 3pc. spicy chicken on monday then again today and I actually finished it!
My mom was like you're not gonna fit in the dress for the wedding!
haha whatever, It's in 2 weeks anyways, not that long from now.

Anyways, that's it for now.

Oh, I just found out theres no school friday and monday, shows how much I don't listen in class. LMAO.

Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

For You.

Current Jam:
David Ryan Harris - For You.

"There ain't nothing strong enough to keep me away from you
There could be a wall of fire ten feet or higher
I would just walk on for you
Where there once was only room for one
Forever there will be two "

It has no significant meaning but I really love the song and lyrics, beautifully written and sung.

I'm still getting used to the fact that I have a night class on tuesdays. I almost forgot about it today! haha.

Anyways, before I leave for class, I'm gonna leave you with this video..
Albert hits the high note @ 2:34, it's fucking amazing and gave me the chills. I can watch this over and over. Hope you enjoy it.

Monday, February 9, 2009

#2, Spicy!

Same old Monday!

I had to watch the kids this morning because my sister had an appt. I'm surprised, they were actually good for once and listened to me. When my sister got home, my dad took me to school for Sociology, my only class on MWF. I wasn't really focused in class so I was playing with the internet on my phone and came to the conclusion that I have Sleep Paralysis, it's kinda irritating too. Oh, and on my desk, someone drew this.. I thought it was funny.
"I'm in love with Obama"

After class, went home, ate then slept, talk about food coma. I woke up around 5? Valen and Jacky came over a bit then we went to practice. Practice was good, we went through 3 sets -- getting that much more closer to finishing the medley! I'm excited to see the final result! After practice, I convinced my mom to get me Jolibee. Spicy chicken, ftw. fashiggity well i'ma cut it here.

Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

No Scrubs [Acoustic]

Alyssa Bernal is an amazing singer.
I think my blog is starting to turn into another place for my favorite youtube videos. haha

El Leaguo.

America's Suitehearts

Current Jam: Fall Out Boy - America's Suitehearts

The time is officially 4:44am, PST and according to my away message, I'm sleeping! I swear.. my sleep pattern is so off, I'm gonna be screwed come Monday.

I'm feeling kinda lazy so I'll just do a brief update.



Went with fave, his sister, two cousins and drew to the tattoo shop at top of the hill. Everyone besides me and drew got tatted up. I'm hella jealous, hopefully I'll get my first one done around march.. When I got home, I took a long awaited nap then went to Century with my two bestfriends an AJ.. we watched PUSH for free ^_^. I really liked the movie and recommend it. After the movie, we went to Starnick's to meet up with tom, they went to Twin Peaks, I decided to go home cause I'm sick of Twin Peaks and I ALWAYS get sick when I go there at night. Um, ever since I got home, I've been working on a little montage/slideshow of The League, I tend to make slideshows when I'm bored but other than that, I guess I'ma head to bed.. maybe not.. idk haha..

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.

-The Cute Little LumberJack.

Friday, February 6, 2009

When It Rains.

Realquick update.

I seriously did nothing today, so far.. lol
I had one class in school today then went straight home, weird. I ended up making mashed potatoes cause I was hella hungry.

Hella random but anyways, I'm getting ready to go to B's house so we can get picked up together for fave's dinner tonight. Joy's! OMG I've missed this place so much.. I even missed it when I was in So-Cal, so sad.

So yeah just a random quick update..
I'll leave you with the video i'm currently watching on Youtube.

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today was a good day.

I had History at 930am and for once, I was on time! I'm so proud of myself haha, especially since that shit is in the bungalows! taking like forever and a day to get down there.. History was boring as usual but good thing I have Crysss in my class to keep me company and keep me entertained. We were so bored that we ended up taking pictures and doing random as drawings and even writing as small as we could LOL. In english, we got our reading scores back, I scored where I thought I would, at 1A level.. didn't really care what the teacher was saying cause I kinda dozed off into my own little world and started writing the lyrics to 'superhuman' accompanied by little sketches.

After school, fave picked up Cryss and I and then we headed to his house so he could teach Crysss some choreo. I did the usual Youtube bidnessss. After that, we dropped off Crysss, went back to fave's house, more Youtube then headed to practice.

Practice! Casting day.. it was fun, I made everyone 'american idol' audition numbers so we could have fun on casting day. All in all, it turned out good, had a different set-up for casting than last time, everyone was in the room, it was good. I definitely didn't dance like I do at home or at the bus stop or something haha. I definitely need to work on dancing full-out and to quit being shy when it comes to dancing in front of the group instead of WITH them cause when I dance WITH the group, I dance full out. I guess cause I've never danced before and this whole experience is new to me, I still got a lot of getting used to, to do. What can I say? I love The League, I love the bond that we all share and I'm glad I was given the opportunity to dance along side these individuals who are like family to me now and I'm glad I get to grow and progress with them.

League Up, baby.
"Coming together is a beginning;
keeping together is progress;
working together is success.
-Henry Ford

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Valen hella got this stuck in my head.

We'll see..

I'm always hella on and off when it comes to blogging but whatever i'll just try and update this as frequently as possible.

So today, I only had one class, Sociology 35, it's a chill class but I always get sleepy when the teacher lectures.

After school, Gel and I went to starbucks and then we met up Valen at the SF Zoo, since it's free every Wednesday.. Valen's address is in DC so they wouldn't let him in, weak. So we decided to go near the cliffhouse for a bit to chill, I don't know why but I really wanted to climb this tree when I got there.. haha.

Boring day, I wanted to see my damn giraffes!
Next time.

Until Next Time...
Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.