Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We'll see..

I'm always hella on and off when it comes to blogging but whatever i'll just try and update this as frequently as possible.

So today, I only had one class, Sociology 35, it's a chill class but I always get sleepy when the teacher lectures.

After school, Gel and I went to starbucks and then we met up Valen at the SF Zoo, since it's free every Wednesday.. Valen's address is in DC so they wouldn't let him in, weak. So we decided to go near the cliffhouse for a bit to chill, I don't know why but I really wanted to climb this tree when I got there.. haha.

Boring day, I wanted to see my damn giraffes!
Next time.

Until Next Time...
Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.

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