Monday, February 9, 2009

#2, Spicy!

Same old Monday!

I had to watch the kids this morning because my sister had an appt. I'm surprised, they were actually good for once and listened to me. When my sister got home, my dad took me to school for Sociology, my only class on MWF. I wasn't really focused in class so I was playing with the internet on my phone and came to the conclusion that I have Sleep Paralysis, it's kinda irritating too. Oh, and on my desk, someone drew this.. I thought it was funny.
"I'm in love with Obama"

After class, went home, ate then slept, talk about food coma. I woke up around 5? Valen and Jacky came over a bit then we went to practice. Practice was good, we went through 3 sets -- getting that much more closer to finishing the medley! I'm excited to see the final result! After practice, I convinced my mom to get me Jolibee. Spicy chicken, ftw. fashiggity well i'ma cut it here.

Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.

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