Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today was a good day.

I had History at 930am and for once, I was on time! I'm so proud of myself haha, especially since that shit is in the bungalows! taking like forever and a day to get down there.. History was boring as usual but good thing I have Crysss in my class to keep me company and keep me entertained. We were so bored that we ended up taking pictures and doing random as drawings and even writing as small as we could LOL. In english, we got our reading scores back, I scored where I thought I would, at 1A level.. didn't really care what the teacher was saying cause I kinda dozed off into my own little world and started writing the lyrics to 'superhuman' accompanied by little sketches.

After school, fave picked up Cryss and I and then we headed to his house so he could teach Crysss some choreo. I did the usual Youtube bidnessss. After that, we dropped off Crysss, went back to fave's house, more Youtube then headed to practice.

Practice! Casting day.. it was fun, I made everyone 'american idol' audition numbers so we could have fun on casting day. All in all, it turned out good, had a different set-up for casting than last time, everyone was in the room, it was good. I definitely didn't dance like I do at home or at the bus stop or something haha. I definitely need to work on dancing full-out and to quit being shy when it comes to dancing in front of the group instead of WITH them cause when I dance WITH the group, I dance full out. I guess cause I've never danced before and this whole experience is new to me, I still got a lot of getting used to, to do. What can I say? I love The League, I love the bond that we all share and I'm glad I was given the opportunity to dance along side these individuals who are like family to me now and I'm glad I get to grow and progress with them.

League Up, baby.
"Coming together is a beginning;
keeping together is progress;
working together is success.
-Henry Ford

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.


1 comment:

society's imperfection said...

OOOH !. nice blog ej !

x. aina