Wednesday, May 13, 2009


&&& TUMBL'd

=) goodbye, blogspot!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blue October - Into The Ocean

Where the FUCK do I start?

I'm a very, very, VERY complicated person. I like to keep to myself, I'm very shy, but I'm not. I don't what it is about myself but I always seem to be neutral when it comes to everything, friendships, relationships, school, everything. I love the people in my life right now but I feel like I have no sort of sense of direction and it sucks.

I am an open-minded person but I always shy away, I hide my feelings, I hide under a rock and never creep up.

With that being said, you should understand why I am so selective about the people I let enter my life. The people I create friendships with are people whom I truly believe care for me and will always be there, call it needy but that's just my outlook on it.

Just like my life, this blog entry has no direction.. I wasn't even trying to write about this, it just came about on it's own haha.

ANYWAYS, emo side put away..

The past few days have been crazy i'll just throw out a bunch of words:

I'm fucking random as hell.

Sooo, let's talk about some serious shit.
Last night, I got dropped off at Kris' house while Tom and Jeff were working out. Kyle calls up Kris and says let's drink, you know us.. we can't turn down alcohol! So Kyle comes to Kris' house with Kelli, Priya and Josten then Tom and Jeff swing by.. We all roll up to Safeway down on mission to cop the liquor, captain morgan and some beer. Come back to Kris' house, start to drink, talk, the usual. I get drunk super fast cause I party-fouled and took two shots in a row.

And yeah, some shit happened where I was totally out of line and disrespected my bestfriend to the fullest extent no joke. Yes, I was fucking drunk but I have no excuse for my actions because I was well aware of what I was doing (Don't ask what it was cause I am definitely not getting into that via Blog!) Next thing you know, he tells me to leave his fucking house and I did, I walked outside to his driveway and hella start crying and Josten came up to me and was saying that we'll make up and the whole time I was just like "NO! you don't know Kris like I do, our friendship is over! I just want my bestfriend back!" Yeah.. and then eventually Kris came out and talked to me and I couldn't say anything, I know what I did was outrageous on so many different levels and I still don't know why I did it all I know is that I'll never do that again and I would never, ever, ever disrespect my bestfriend like that EVER again. Kris finally saw me cry, we cried together and made-up but shit was just so intense for me because that's my fucking bestfriend, he's my P.I.C. for a fucking lifetime, no joke. No matter what kinda shit we might go through, I know we'll pull through cause our fucking friendship isn't ordinary, we're way too close to let something pull us apart. Damn, I sound hella gay right now but I truly love my bestfriend. I can apologize a million times but that will not justify anything. All I can do is promise to him that I won't ever pull that kinda shit again and that no matter what, I'm here for him, backing him up 110% with whatever he does and I know he'll do the same, I'll never have to question that a day in my life.

Kris, I know you say that "nothing happened" but deep down, I know my actions last night will always be floating around in the back of your head and you can hella use that shit against me haha but yeah, I am sorry, you know that. Never Again.

Plus, we can never ever end our friendship.. I'll miss you way too much always saying "Eeej Blood!"
& we're gonna be future roomies in so-cal, right? rooms next to eachother, with a window in the wall so we can talk to eachother. 3 years, blood!

I am so grateful that we were able to become such good friends, BESTfriends.
my number fagtron for life.

“Everyone has a "best friend" during each stage of life-only a precious few have the same one.”

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Last night was hella chill, loved it.

AJ and Krish picked me up last night around midnight? i hella don't remember haha.. then we went to get kris. After that, we headed toward American Canyon to hit up walmart so that jay could exchange this external hard drive he bought. When we walked in the store, the lady immediately noticed we had an already purchased item and told us that customer service was already closed so we couldn't exchange it until the next morning, jay was hella mad haha, after that we browsed around the store for a bit then headed back to the city. On the way home, we were stuck in traffic for like 15mins cause there was an accident, it was funny seeing all the cars reversing off the on-ramp. When we got to jay's crib, we started watching 'Miracle at St. Anna' while krizzia made us some bomb ass pasta.. we were sippin' on cherry skyy mixed with cherry dr. pepper, 'twas good, got me buzzin' and we hella weren't paying attention to the movie. After a while, Jeff and Yvez came with pear grey goose, took a couple shots of that and next thing you know, it's 6am! haha so yvez and jeff knew about this mercy telly at embassy suites and we headed over there so we could get free omeletes, breakfast bandits, you know. haha after that, jeff drove some of the folks home and dropped me last. On our way home, me and jeff were having a 'life talk' haha like our whole situation with our lives, parents, jobs, growing up, etc. It felt good talking about that shit with someone and we just came to the realization that we're no longer kids and we have to start thinking about our future even if now we have no set path, it's never to early to plan shit out.. and yeah it was a good talk.

"We have the paint and the canvas, we just gotta use it"
--Jeffrey Del Pozo.

Oh yeah and while we were drinking, I made kris write me a sticky note on my phone and it was really touching.. nigga's bringing out the emotional side in me, cause he never seen me cry! haha but yeah, he's my nigga, my PIC, my bestfriend, i love him to death!

Today -- After I got home in the morning, my sister and brother in law told me that they were going to the gym and I wanted to go with them, I just printed out that Bally's 7-day free pass and that shit was crazy. One of the workers put me through a work-out where I did push-ups, lunges, crunches, sprints, toe-touches, planks, squats, side-steps, etc. it got me hella tired and my arms hella sore but it was a good fucking work-out. He hella tried to get me to sign-up but I told him I wasn't ready haha! But this thursday, I'm going back with my sister and I'm gonna do one of their bootcamp programs with her, I hope I don't die cause it's from 6-7pm and I have practice after that 730-11, ahh the madness! lmao. But yeah, today I was hella supposed to go to my little cousin's first communion but I was soo knocked out and now I'm doing like nothing while everyone's watching the Pacquiao fight, ehh. I'll just watch Law & Order with my mommy.

Til' Next Time..


Friday, May 1, 2009

Ooooh.. Let me tell you, Let me tell you!

THURSDAY nights are supposed to be wassup.
Last night, eh.. not so much.

SO last night, Valen, April, Drew, Kyle, Kelli and myself had all decided to go to CRIB together, at first we were all pretty hesitant like why crib, why are we going here? but we were all like fuck it. When we get downtown, we park like a two blockst away from crib and start pre-gaming.. Outta nowhere, these undercover cops pull over and make us all get out the car and stand against this fence at first we were like wtf just happened you know, turns out they passed by our car once already and saw us drinking then turned around and pulled the fuck over and next thing you know, we all get citations, our picture taken, and our alcohol confiscated, how fun. So me and Drew have court at the end of June, the rest in July. SOOOO after that whole ordeal we're like fuck it, we're still gonna club, dance it off, have a fun time and we did til' 2AM, when we walk toward Val's car we see glass on the floor, come to find out, they smashed his window and broke into his car, stealing my wallet and kelli's wallet and phone, not cool. Aj, Jeff, Yvez and Krish were nice enough to drive dt with their camera and take pictures for us. All in all, that was one HELL of a thursday and this morning, I saw that my account had 5 recent activities: 3 purchases at jack in the box and 2 for gas. I hope these bitches get stabbed in their dicks. Is this a sign to claim sobriety? Nah... it's just a sign that this world is full of ruthless criminals who have nothing better to do than jack cars on thursday nights i mean guys, have a little class, saturday nights have wayy better opportunities!

til' next time,


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Wow, okay I haven't blogged in a minuuuuute.

So it's wednesday night, 10:54pm and i'm hella bored! My sister is on my desktop and I'm laying in my bed, blogging via iPhone haha.

The past couple weeks have been good. Last week, we had two performances: SJSU small little competition, it seriously wasn't a serious percormance, we all had fun though and got 2nd place..$200 prize cash. The other performance was in stockton, a benefit performance hosted by this fraternity at University of the Pacific. We saw a lot of familiar faces from breakthrough (thatONEcompany, Rhythm Inc, OnPoint, etc.) It was a really fun performance and people really seemed to enjoy it. After the performance, Valen, B, Brendon, Drew and I went to elk grove to party it up with TOC and Rhythm INC making it a "thatONErhythmLEAGUE" night. All the drinks were fucking LiGHTS! If ya'll know me, Eeej don't fuck with lights hahah after my third shot, i went outside and yacked hahah came back inside after a while i took 2 more shots but ended up chillin in the car for the rest of the night cause i hella wasn't feeling good. Everyone was having a good time and TOC knows how to party! I wish i had been my usual self though cause I woulda had more fun. When everyone was done drinking, Margela of TOC offered to let us sleep over at her crib because she didnt want us driving home so late so we took her offer. Shout to Gela for the hospitality! In the morning she cooked all of us (about 15 heads) breakfast.. Longanisa, eggs, rice, sausage, shit was bomb! After that we ended up going home, I knocked out for hella hours and I was so tired I turned down wingstop! Whaaaat? Yeah I was THAT tired lmao. But yeah that was a pretty good weekend for me.

Oh yeah, Thursday night drink buddies shout out: Kyle and Kelli from oddacities--every thursday night, wassssup! Eventhough ya'll hella
switched us up from jager to captain morgan. I swear I havent blogged in so long that I dont even remember what the hell is going on in my life anymore!

On the 24th was AJ's 20th birthday, long ass day! Metup with krizzia and kim so we could make aj's shirts from him and the a-dub, which took foreverrr we had to stall dinner forover an hour because the shirts as well as the cake but in the end, it was hella worth it. After dinner we went to jay's crib to plan the telly and me and kris made everyone watch mari and keone's set hahaha! Headed to embassy suites drank smoke had hella fun there was plenty of alcohol left over the next morning eventhough everyone was pretty drunk the night before. Embassy suites breakfast is so bomb

I think everything I just blogged is hella in the wrong order hahaha IDk wtf's wrong with me nowadays cause i've been hella slow anywas fast forward to this week:

Monday-visited gel's new crib at westlake then practice and yeah thats pretty much about it

Yesterday- school, met up kris, helped him teach a simple little piece for the kids at commodore sloat, was fun gotta love those kids especially if they wanna dance! =) after we chilled at J's crib, little jager, in n out thanks to yvez and then called it a night

Today- just school and chill at the house

And yeah ima cut it here cause my hands are tired. Yeah, I really typed all this shit on my phone! Hopefully I start blogging regularly again.

BTW, it's almost my booch's 19th birthday! Happy early birthday JessicaLavariasM'Fuckin'Roasrio!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boys And Girls With Short Hair

This composition is nothing short of amazing. I can't stop watching it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

In the past two weeks

I went to LA, came back, never uploaded the pictures off my D60, lost my D60, broke my glasses, got really sick, lost 3 lbs, gained 4 back, got better, had starbucks. YUP that's all i gotta say.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This my Nigga!

My TWIN, my bestfriend.. VALEN! I can't wait til this guy blows up and gets the spotlight he deserves! LOVE you bud!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I love my life!

You know that's the truth when you're posting it on the internet at 1AM! =)

I love my friends, family, etc.
Things couldn't be better for me right now
& I'm happier than ever.

I took the liberty to examine my life at this moment in time and this is the end result.

RANDOM ass blog but it's something I wanted to share with the world!

Goodnight, Beautiful People.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

That's Wassup.

The League finally gets to perform their new set tomorrow at Oceana's Multi-Cultural festival, That's Wassup. Then we have our first competition in Stockton on the 28th called Breakthrough, hosted by Rhythm Inc. Yee. Hope to see you there!
Go to: RhythmInc.TK
for more info

Other than that, my parents are coming home saturday night, no more freedom! but it's cool, I miss 'em. =)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


This summer, I'm gonna take classes and pass all of them.

I swear, I've been fucking around way too much and I know I say that all the time but It's true. I hate having to drop 2-3 classes each semester because I'm fucking lazy, this Is bullshit. I need to do some good for myself so I'll try and make up for it in the summer.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

What's New?

D60, HalfCabs, iPhone & Tattoo.

That's about it.
Okay, Bye!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It's mine now. I'm happy. =)

Friday, February 20, 2009

40 years!

So, tomorrow my parents are renewing their vows after 40 years of marriage and they're having their ceremony at St. Patrick's and reception at Embassy Suites in Burlingame. I swear this wedding turned everyone psycho! We have all been stressin' all week tryna complete everything and I don't know, my dad's attitude has been worse, so has mine. My temper has been worse than ever, forreal. Just now me and my dad got into it, I wanna beat his ass sometimes haha. He really thinks I won't talk back to him like wtf, i got my attitude from YOU!

Ugh this has by far been the worst week for me. I know most of you are like what? you.. mad? [haha, I'm saying it like hella people read this shit!] Yeah, I have real anger problems, I just choose not to let it get the best of me when I'm in public. Like at practice last night, I was so irritated and it wasn't even just because of the practice.. it's cause the WEDDING, the KIDS, everything. I'm not saying I'm like at the end of the rope. Hell, I ain't even close, it takes a LOT to take me down but when i'm irritated, I'm fucking IRRITATED. haha okay enough ranting and bitching.. I hope everything will go back to normal next week and I hope that I'll actually be able to chill with my friends cause I haven't been able to chill with ANYBODY this whole week, it sucks. Hella kawawa status.

Ugh Whatever, Bye.
LOL i swear, can you say Bi-Polar?

P.S. I don't give a FUCK if i have any spelling/grammatical errors in this shit, that's the point of a BLOG.. it's your feelings in the RAW.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's not something, It's Everything.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kuya!

Today is my brothers 22nd birthday.

I wish we could go back to when we were kids watching Nickelodeon every saturday morning and him making fun of me when the 'Thriller' music video came up and I would hide behind the couch cause I was scared! HAHA!

Eventhough we used to fight alot, I love my brother.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fatty Fatty 4x4

I swear, I've been hella heffalump status lately!

I had 3pc. spicy chicken on monday then again today and I actually finished it!
My mom was like you're not gonna fit in the dress for the wedding!
haha whatever, It's in 2 weeks anyways, not that long from now.

Anyways, that's it for now.

Oh, I just found out theres no school friday and monday, shows how much I don't listen in class. LMAO.

Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

For You.

Current Jam:
David Ryan Harris - For You.

"There ain't nothing strong enough to keep me away from you
There could be a wall of fire ten feet or higher
I would just walk on for you
Where there once was only room for one
Forever there will be two "

It has no significant meaning but I really love the song and lyrics, beautifully written and sung.

I'm still getting used to the fact that I have a night class on tuesdays. I almost forgot about it today! haha.

Anyways, before I leave for class, I'm gonna leave you with this video..
Albert hits the high note @ 2:34, it's fucking amazing and gave me the chills. I can watch this over and over. Hope you enjoy it.

Monday, February 9, 2009

#2, Spicy!

Same old Monday!

I had to watch the kids this morning because my sister had an appt. I'm surprised, they were actually good for once and listened to me. When my sister got home, my dad took me to school for Sociology, my only class on MWF. I wasn't really focused in class so I was playing with the internet on my phone and came to the conclusion that I have Sleep Paralysis, it's kinda irritating too. Oh, and on my desk, someone drew this.. I thought it was funny.
"I'm in love with Obama"

After class, went home, ate then slept, talk about food coma. I woke up around 5? Valen and Jacky came over a bit then we went to practice. Practice was good, we went through 3 sets -- getting that much more closer to finishing the medley! I'm excited to see the final result! After practice, I convinced my mom to get me Jolibee. Spicy chicken, ftw. fashiggity well i'ma cut it here.

Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

No Scrubs [Acoustic]

Alyssa Bernal is an amazing singer.
I think my blog is starting to turn into another place for my favorite youtube videos. haha

El Leaguo.

America's Suitehearts

Current Jam: Fall Out Boy - America's Suitehearts

The time is officially 4:44am, PST and according to my away message, I'm sleeping! I swear.. my sleep pattern is so off, I'm gonna be screwed come Monday.

I'm feeling kinda lazy so I'll just do a brief update.



Went with fave, his sister, two cousins and drew to the tattoo shop at top of the hill. Everyone besides me and drew got tatted up. I'm hella jealous, hopefully I'll get my first one done around march.. When I got home, I took a long awaited nap then went to Century with my two bestfriends an AJ.. we watched PUSH for free ^_^. I really liked the movie and recommend it. After the movie, we went to Starnick's to meet up with tom, they went to Twin Peaks, I decided to go home cause I'm sick of Twin Peaks and I ALWAYS get sick when I go there at night. Um, ever since I got home, I've been working on a little montage/slideshow of The League, I tend to make slideshows when I'm bored but other than that, I guess I'ma head to bed.. maybe not.. idk haha..

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.

-The Cute Little LumberJack.

Friday, February 6, 2009

When It Rains.

Realquick update.

I seriously did nothing today, so far.. lol
I had one class in school today then went straight home, weird. I ended up making mashed potatoes cause I was hella hungry.

Hella random but anyways, I'm getting ready to go to B's house so we can get picked up together for fave's dinner tonight. Joy's! OMG I've missed this place so much.. I even missed it when I was in So-Cal, so sad.

So yeah just a random quick update..
I'll leave you with the video i'm currently watching on Youtube.

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today was a good day.

I had History at 930am and for once, I was on time! I'm so proud of myself haha, especially since that shit is in the bungalows! taking like forever and a day to get down there.. History was boring as usual but good thing I have Crysss in my class to keep me company and keep me entertained. We were so bored that we ended up taking pictures and doing random as drawings and even writing as small as we could LOL. In english, we got our reading scores back, I scored where I thought I would, at 1A level.. didn't really care what the teacher was saying cause I kinda dozed off into my own little world and started writing the lyrics to 'superhuman' accompanied by little sketches.

After school, fave picked up Cryss and I and then we headed to his house so he could teach Crysss some choreo. I did the usual Youtube bidnessss. After that, we dropped off Crysss, went back to fave's house, more Youtube then headed to practice.

Practice! Casting day.. it was fun, I made everyone 'american idol' audition numbers so we could have fun on casting day. All in all, it turned out good, had a different set-up for casting than last time, everyone was in the room, it was good. I definitely didn't dance like I do at home or at the bus stop or something haha. I definitely need to work on dancing full-out and to quit being shy when it comes to dancing in front of the group instead of WITH them cause when I dance WITH the group, I dance full out. I guess cause I've never danced before and this whole experience is new to me, I still got a lot of getting used to, to do. What can I say? I love The League, I love the bond that we all share and I'm glad I was given the opportunity to dance along side these individuals who are like family to me now and I'm glad I get to grow and progress with them.

League Up, baby.
"Coming together is a beginning;
keeping together is progress;
working together is success.
-Henry Ford

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Valen hella got this stuck in my head.

We'll see..

I'm always hella on and off when it comes to blogging but whatever i'll just try and update this as frequently as possible.

So today, I only had one class, Sociology 35, it's a chill class but I always get sleepy when the teacher lectures.

After school, Gel and I went to starbucks and then we met up Valen at the SF Zoo, since it's free every Wednesday.. Valen's address is in DC so they wouldn't let him in, weak. So we decided to go near the cliffhouse for a bit to chill, I don't know why but I really wanted to climb this tree when I got there.. haha.

Boring day, I wanted to see my damn giraffes!
Next time.

Until Next Time...
Peace, Love, Chicken&Waffles.